First Chapters Q&A with Hugh McGinlay

Hugh McGinlay is a Melbourne based writer and musician.  

He was recently longlisted for the Ned Kelly Awards in the category of Best Crime for Pachyderm, which Hugh will be reading from at First Chapters on Friday 7 September.

1.      Brunswick Bound has asked you to read a chapter from your published work.  Tell us what we can expect from the chapter you have chosen?

I’ll be reading from my second book, Pachyderm. Pachyderm begins with a description of an elephant’s anus. It’s my contribution to the literary canon of this planet.

2.      How would you describe the kind of books that you write?

Utopian crime fiction.

3.      What was the first book that you read (or had read to you) that left an impression on you?

I guess they all did, but I talk about Wizard of Earthsea more than most of the books I read as a child.

4.      Do you believe that books should answer life’s big questions?

Only by accident.

5.      What’s your go-to solution for writer’s block?

My crippling fear of failure usually wins out in the end.

6.      What is your favourite word or phrase?

We’ll fall off that bridge when we come to it.

7.      What do you put down as your occupation when asked?

I have three occupations. I have been a musician the longest, I have achieved most notoriety as a writer and I pay my bills as a public servant. I use all three depending on my mood.

8.      What is the question that you hope never to be asked in an author Q&A?

I don’t mind any questions provided people are talking to me.

9.      What question do you hope you will be asked and why?

Would you like some more wine?

10.  Which book that you have read do you think should be better known or more widely read?

Hello Jim Willow, by Michael Hearn. I’ve known five people who have loved it very deeply. I think it should be taught in school and read in Churches.

Find out more about First Chapters on the Brunswick Bound website.  Bookings via Eventbrite.


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