First Chapters Q&A with Leah Kaminsky

Leah Kaminsky is a physician and award-winning writer.  Her debut novel The Waiting Room won the prestigious Voss Literary Prize.  She conceived and edited Writer MD, a collection of prominent physician-writers, which starred on Booklist and is the co-author of Cracking the Code, with the Damiani family.  Leah holds an MFA in fiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Leah will be reading from The Hollow Bones at First Chapters on Friday 5 July.

1. Brunswick Bound has asked you to read a piece from your published work.  Tell us what we can expect from the piece you have chosen?

I'll be reading from the prologue.

2. How would you describe the kind of books that you write?

I'm genre fluid! My themes seem to circle around loss, war, injustice...and animals!

3. What was the first book that you read (or had read to you) that left an impression on you?

Winnie the Pooh - I loved his whimsy, innocence and wisdom.

4. Do you believe that books should answer life’s big questions?

The books I like to read all ASK life's big questions.

5. Do you have any writing quirks?

I write my first drafts longhand, in a recycled notebook, with a black BIC Classic Fine biro.

6.  What is your favourite word or phrase?


7. What have you found most surprising about publishing a book?

That it doesn't make writing the next one any easier.

8. What is the question that you hope never to be asked in an author Q&A?

Tell us how you plot your books.

9. What question do you hope you will be asked and why?

Tell us how you plot your books. 

10. Which author that you have read do you think should be better known or more widely read?

Robbie Arnott, who wrote Flames. Such imagination and exquisite prose.

Find out more about First Chapters on the Brunswick Bound website.


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